Knowledge Base

Sales offers

Project sales offer — link to project page with detailed information about the property.
Unit sales offer — link to specific unit page with detailed information about the unit.
Sales offer collections — collections of links to unit pages for one or multiple properties, each with detailed unit information.
How to make Project sales offer?
1. Open the Project page.
2. Copy the sales offer clicking the button with a link sign or PDF file .
3. Send the link or PDF file to the Client.
How to make Unit sales offer?
1. Open the Project page.
2. Click Availability.
3. In the Chess view, select the desired unit, click on the cell.
4. In the block that appears on the right, copy the link to the sales offer clicking the button with a link sign.
5. Send the link to the Client.
Adding a unit to an existing collection
How to make Sales offers collections?
  1. Open the Project page.
  2. Click Availability.
  3. Select the desired unit from the Chess view, click on the cell.
  4. In the block that appears on the right, copy the link to the sales offer clicking the button with a plus icon.
  5. In another block that appears on the left, choose one of the already created collections and check the box.
Adding a unit to a new collection
  1. Open the Project page.
  2. Click Availability.
  3. Select the desired unit from the Chess view, click on the cell.
  4. In the block that appears on the right, copy the link to the sales offer clicking the button with a plus icon.
  5. In another block that appears on the left click Make collection, and a form will appear.
  6. Enter the collection's name.
  7. Choose language, currency, measurement system.
  8. Enter the Сlient's name, phone, and email to whom you plan to send the collection of sales offers.
  9. Click Create a сollection.
Sending the collection to the Client
  1. Go to the Collections tab.
  2. Select the desired collection.
  3. Click on Share.
  4. Configure visibility in the opened Visibility settings window. Optionally, hide information you don't want the client to see (project, cost, map, developer). If needed, use the Look like a customer button to see how the collection will appear when the client opens the link.
  5. Click on Copy link.
  6. Send the link to the Client.
Creating a collection in the Profile tab
  1. Go to the Profile tab on the main website page.
  2. Select Collections.
  3. Click on Make collection, and a form will appear.
  4. Enter the collection name.
  5. Choose the language, currency, and measurement system.
  6. Enter the name, phone number, and email of the client to whom you plan to send the collection of commercial offers.
  7. Click on Create a collection.
Managing the status of collections
  1. Go to the Collections tab on the main screen.
  2. Go into the collection.
  3. On the left side of the screen, choose the collection's status: completed or deleted.
  4. Go to the Completed or Removed tab to see collections with the assigned status.
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